Tuesday 12 December 2017

Best Quality Chimney Pots from Discount Chimney Supply Inc.,Loveland, Ohio

Beautiful Chimney Pots
How to install chimney pots?

Chimneys are used for ages to reduce pollution, they are used to vent out the fumes in kitchens, factories, and workshops where a lot of smoke is produced. The height of the chimney outlets depends upon the contents of the smoke. If there are harmful gases present in the smoke then the height of the chimney must be higher to release the gases up into the atmosphere. Higher the chimney outlet, lesser it affects the surrounding environment.

However the chimney outlets might get blocked due to several reasons, main among which are moisture and rain and that birds build their nests in the outlets. Due to this a lot of maintenance might be required for the chimneys. To avoid this chimney pots and chimney chunks are used. These also enhance the beauty of the chimney outlets. Sometimes they are used only to increase the height of the chimneys. As the chimney pots are partially closed in the top section, it reduces blockage by rain and prevents birds from building their nests.
There can be several types of chimney pots, made up of clay which can be heavy or the ceramic ones which are light and more attractive. While clay pots can be brittle, these ceramic ones are more durable. They have a vent at the bottom section which assists with drafts and can hide the chimney fans inside them. Chimney pots can come in different shapes, designs, and sizes. You can choose them as per your house structure and exterior.

Let us look at how a chimney pot can be installed:
Before installing and choosing a chimney pot, you must check the ratio of the fireplace opening to the upper opening of the chimney pot. Generally, this ratio should be anything in between 1:15 to 1:20. Also, it is important that the dimension of the base of the chimney pot is greater than the flue’s opening dimension. So you need to check these things carefully and then jump into buying a chimney pot. After you have purchased one, you can follow these steps for installation:

Step1: Cover the opening area of the chimney pot with a wire mesh or a silicon caulk. Doing this is optional, but this will prevent rodents and other animals to enter your place via the chimney. Also, it will prevent entry of dried leaves, twigs etc in your house.
Step2: Remove any extra tile or cement above the chimney top area. You would require cutting the extended part of the chimney with a circular saw or masonry blade. This would reduce the chance of water seepage between the tile and the chimney.
Step3: Cover the flue of the chimney with 3 inches of mortar layer. Now place the chimney pot on the flue. Push the pot deeper into the mortar for a better grip. Now you must taper the mortar from all sides so that it prevents rain water from accumulating.

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